Drag the Words Distractors
It’s now possible to add distractors to drag the words questions.
How to convert slides to H5P Presentations
A video explaining how to convert slides to a H5P presentation.
Word Stress Image Choice
How to make an image choice activity about word stress.
AI-Driven Grammar Challenge Drag the Words
How to use AI tools to quickly create a drag the words activity to review grammar.
UP Tacloban H5P Tutorials
H5P tutorials by a university in the Philippines.
How I Explore H5P Content Types – Guess the Answer
An example guess the answer task and how I get started learning about new H5P content types.
Required Textbooks Course Presentation
How to present the required coursebooks with a course presentation.
How I created a spelling activity interactive book with AI tools
How I created a spelling activity with H5P with AI.
Statista Graph Quiz (Question Set)
How to creating a quiz using AI and graphs from Statista.
How to make a sort the paragraphs activity with H5P
How to make a sort the paragraphs activity with H5P.
How to create a collage with H5P
How to combine images in H5P using the collage content type.
Blockade Skybox Labs to Teach Vocabulary Virtual Tour (360)
Create a 3D world to teach vocabulary!
Children’s Story Interactive Book
How to make a children’s book with text, images and audio in a H5P interactive book.
Shapes Drag and Drop
Here is how to make a drag and drop activity with H5P.