Statista has many graphs you can use to create teaching materials.
Their charts have a Creative Commons License CC BY-ND 3.0. This license allows you to use, distribute, and remix the material in any way you want, but you must attribute the original work and you cannot use it for commercial purposes.
Here’s how you can combine charts with AI in a H5P column to quickly create a quiz about a chart.
First, find and download the chart as an image.
Ask an AI tool that accepts image uploads such as Google Bard to create questions about the chart.
In H5P select Column.
Upload the image. Click metadata to add Statista’s copyright information.
I asked Bard what copyright info they require and this was the response. So add Bard’s copyright information as well.
Copyright © 2023 Bard, a large language model from Google AI. All rights reserved.”
Next add a quiz question set and copy / paste each question from Bard to H5P.
H5P’s Quiz also has a feature only to show a specific number of questions from the pool of questions. This adds some randomness to the quiz to keep it ‘fresh’ for longer. You can also show the questions in a random order.