Our institution uses H5P for its course home pages. It’s a H5P column embedded into Blackboard. It allows us to make a change on H5P and then the change instantly updates on all courses.
The course information pages contain due dates, details of how much each assessment is worth, the course attendance policy and required textbooks. Instead of simply listing the textbooks needed in the course, I used a H5P course presentation to show the books needed for each level.
I’ve shared this resource with Creative Commons CC BY NC so feel free to download it and adapt it.
To make something like this:
- Add slides for each place it needs to branch to
- Add the text and images on each slide. The images are from Black Illustrations.
- Over the images add a “go to slide” tool to take the user to the correct slide.
I could have used the default slide navigation at the bottom but these buttons are too small on a mobile phone. So I activated ‘active surface mode’ to hide the slide navigation. I added a bigger arrow and put another ‘go to slide’ tool on top to go back to the first slide.